Thursday 3 March 2016

Scientists Have Discovered What Makes Some People Grow Unibrows


Thanks to waxing and threading, most of us aren’t confronted with unsightly unibrows on a regular basis. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there, festering under the surface. And now, scientists have discovered exactly which gene causes some of us to be prone to unibrows, while some of us are spared.

In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from the University College of London conducted an analysis of the DNA from more than 6,300 people in Latin America, looking for clues in their genetic code that point to all sorts of hair-related traits: thick or thin, curly or not, gray or not gray. You get the picture.

They found that one specific gene can actually determine how likely you are to grow a unibrow and—you guessed it—how likely you are to have thicker eyebrows overall.

The researchers also found a gene—dubbed IRF4—that influences whether or not you’ll eventually go gray (thanks, Mom and Dad!).


At the moment, this is just cool info—there’s no magic cure for the unibrow-afflicted among us yet. But this is the first study to look at the genetics behind all different types of hair patterns, including facial hair.

In the future, this could be the foundation for creating a magic unibrow cure or even a solution to reverse gray hair growth. And we’re totally down for that.


Scientists Have Discovered What Makes Some People Grow Unibrows

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